Formación para la vida: una mirada a las pautas de crianza y su incidencia en el desarrollo socioafectivo de los adolescentes del grado décimo de una institución educativa del municipio de frontino Antioquia


Jenny Alexandra Amado Amado; Elisa Janeth Celis Gelves; Carlos Jesus Ospino Quintero; Manuel Alejandro Torres Ángel; Daisy Oliva Pinzón Castro


Pautas de crianza, desarrollo socioafectivo, conductas prosociales, adolescencia.


This article presents a brief reflection on the parenting guidelines and their impact on the socio- affective development of adolescents, taking as a starting point the research project TRAINING FOR LIFE: A LOOK AT THE PARENTING GUIDELINES AND THEIR INCIDENCE ON THE SOCIO-AFFECTIVE DEVELOPMENT OF ADOLESCENTS IN THE TENTH GRADE OF AN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF FRONTINO

ANTIOQUIA, developed at the Corporation Universitaria Iberoamericana; Specialization in Integral Development of Childhood and Adolescence, (Bogotá-Colombia) and the contributions of research carried out on the subject, delving into the development of human behavior, from the different environments that influence the development of individuals in which it moves and in its changes; cognitive, moral and relational development (Bronfenbrenner). As well, the role of the family is highlighted, as a fundamental cell of society, facilitator of the development of prosocial behaviors. In this sense, through the documentary analysis carried out throughout this investigation and the application of data collection techniques and instruments such as the survey and the workshop technique (observation), it was possible to verify that adolescents recognize the importance of behavior patterns. upbringing and its impact on socio-affective development. The strengths of this study include a population of the municipality that allows us to know the reality that they live outside the classroom and how these influence their behavior in the educational institution.



Keywords: Parenting guidelines, socio-affective development, prosocial behaviors, adolescence.


July 13, 2023

How to Cite

Amado Amado, J. A., Celis Gelves, E. J. ., & Ospino Quintero, C. J. (2023). Formación para la vida: una mirada a las pautas de crianza y su incidencia en el desarrollo socioafectivo de los adolescentes del grado décimo de una institución educativa del municipio de frontino Antioquia. Corporación Universitaria Iberoamericana - Repositorio de Trabajos de Grado. Retrieved from