How to implement a virtual pedagogical strategy through play where the logical capacities of 5 and 6-year-old children from the Modern Colombian Gymnasium of the municipality of Soacha are enhanced?


Jasbleidy Barrera Manios
Facultad de educación, licenciatura en educación infantil, distancia
Gloria Yanneth Arias Martinez
Facultad de educación, Licenciatura en educación infantil, distancia
Viviana Marcela Torres Carvajal
Facultad de educación, Licenciatura en educación infantil, distancia


educación infantil, lúdica


In this research proposal we will work a qualitative approach with an action research design, in it we want to carry out a virtual pedagogical strategy through play where the logical capacities of 5 and 6 year old children are enhanced.
This will be done through a video game since these can discover significant skills in students. It is decided to make an Interactive video game to achieve technological inclusion, giving the possibility of developing new abilities and skills in children, promoting security and tranquility in the face of new learning.

Next, we will give way to what will be found with the development of our research, to begin with, we will talk about what it is, through the creation of an Interactive video game we will jump to a new learning because in said Video game they will be implemented Playful, creative, attractive and fun activities working on logical thinking, these must be developed by the students following their curriculum, each teacher will carry out the implementation of the activity


December 12, 2022

How to Cite

Barrera Manios, J., & Arias Martinez, G. Y. (2022). How to implement a virtual pedagogical strategy through play where the logical capacities of 5 and 6-year-old children from the Modern Colombian Gymnasium of the municipality of Soacha are enhanced?. Corporación Universitaria Iberoamericana - Repositorio de Trabajos de Grado. Retrieved from