
Facultad de Educación
Facultad de Educación
Facultad de Educación


Comprensión lectora, TIC, Estrategias didácticas, lectura, competencias, habilidades


The research proposal "Strengthening the reading comprehension of sixth grade boys and girls through the use of ICT" aims to strengthen reading comprehension competence through the use of ICT as a didactic tool. This proposal will be developed at the Fontibón Integrated School in the city of Bogotá. The problem situation that triggers this research is the lack of reading comprehension of the 6th grade students of the educational institution "Colegio Integrado de Fontibón".

Chapter 1 raises the problem of reading comprehension in sixth grade children, proposes a research question and objectives, and justifies the importance of investigating the use of ICT to strengthen reading comprehension. Chapter 1 focuses on the problem of reading comprehension in sixth grade children at the Fontibón integrated school in Colombia. The statement of the problem indicates that external tests show a low level of reading comprehension in public schools nationwide. Several factors that contribute to this problem are identified, such as the lack of practice and motivation to read, the absence of adequate reading comprehension strategies, the lack of vocabulary and prior knowledge, and socioeconomic and cultural factors.

To address this problem, the research question is posed: How to strengthen the reading comprehension of sixth grade boys and girls through the use of ICT in the classroom? In addition, research sub-questions related to reading comprehension levels, teaching strategies and ICT resources are presented.

The objectives of the research are to strengthen reading comprehension through the use of ICT in the Fontibón integrated school. Specific objectives are set that include determine the level of reading comprehension, promote reading comprehension skills, implement technological resources and evaluate the results.The justification is based on the importance of reading comprehension in the academic and personal development of students. It is argued that ICT can improve reading comprehension by providing interactive and motivating resources, but it is necessary to investigate how to effectively integrate these technologies into the teaching process.In the Colombian educational context, there is a worrying lack of reading comprehension skills in students, which is reflected in the results of external tests and can limit their opportunities for growth and success. Therefore, the research projects presented seek to strengthen reading comprehension through the use of ICT and specific pedagogical strategies.Chapter two mentions several investigations carried out both nationally and internationally. These investigations include the use of questionnaires, surveys, and tests to assess the relationship between ICT use and reading comprehension, as well as the effects of ICT-mediated reading strategy instruction.It is highlighted that the use of ICT in the educational field can improve motivation, interpretation and reading comprehension. Research shows that increased use of ICT is positively correlated with higher levels of student reading comprehension. In addition, the importance of collaboration between teachers and parents in the development of educational processes and in strengthening the basic skills of students is mentioned.The conceptual framework covers specific and basic concepts, as well as complementary ones, focused on reading comprehension and ICT as a necessary methodology and tool to strengthen reading comprehension in basic education.The theoretical framework focuses on reading comprehension and how Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) can strengthen this ability in students. The theoretical referents mentioned are: Goodman (1986), Chomsky (1992). Zubiría (1995)The methodological framework proposed in this research is based on a qualitative paradigm with a participatory action research approach. Since the qualitative approach allows a flexible and inductive analysis, where multiple variables related to the strengthening of reading comprehension skills can be identified.In chapter 4 analysis of results, the levels of reading comprehension in sixth grade students were determined. The field diary and a reading comprehension pre-test were used as data collection instruments. The methodology was based on the observation of the interaction of teachers and students with ICT, as well as on the rating scale of reading comprehension. Several didactic strategies were implemented using ICT to promote reading comprehension of sixth grade students. These strategies include: Digital Media Reading: A variety of digital sources, such as news articles, blogs, and e-books, were pulled to foster students' reading comprehension and critical skills development. Activities such as conversations and dramatized representations were carried out to explore different perspectives on topics of interest.A final evaluative test (post test) was carried out to assess the results obtained with the implementation of the didactic resources and to measure the progress in the reading comprehension of the students. The results were the following:Literal reading comprehension: Progress was demonstrated in this skill, as 48 students went from an initial level to a similar level in the final evaluation. The most effective ICT tool to strengthen this ability was the Wordwall website, due to the interaction it offers students. The online text reading strategy also contributed to progress in this area.In conclusion, ICT resources favored progress in reading comprehension skills, but it is necessary to have continuous and permanent processes that transcend the entire educational community to continue strengthening reading comprehension skills.


December 30, 2023

How to Cite

CHAVARRO ESPINOSA, F. A., SUAZA POLANCO, C. M., & GOMEZ MARTINEZ, P. F. (2023). FORTALECIENDO LA COMPRENSIÓN LECTORA DE NIÑOS Y NIÑAS DEL GRADO SEXTO A TRAVÉS DEL USO DE LAS TIC. Corporación Universitaria Iberoamericana - Repositorio de Trabajos de Grado. Retrieved from