Construcción de una propuesta pedagógica para potenciar el pensamiento lógico matemático a través del futbol.


Andres David Bravo Garcia
Facultad de Educación


Logical mathematical thinking, football, diversity, playful strategies.


The present Project seeks to identify the different teaching methods by means of sports activities that can be used for mathematical logical thinking, where the traditional method is set aside in order to generate a better disposition, greater interest and motivation in learning, finding ways to articulate sports activities as a teaching method.

Research is carried out on the strategies used in mathematical logical thinking looking for ways to execute them with dynamics in which sport is incorporated as a teaching method to make classes flexible both inside and outside the classroom and generate knowledge to each of the students, through motivation, attention and concentration, taking into account the characteristics and needs of students.

It is intended to make a proposal where strategies are evidenced that are of help for teachers of mathematics of the third grade of the IED Silveria Espinosa de Rendon facilitating the method of teaching learning that they give to students to generate a reinforcement of classes seen before where I do a feedback or reinforcement in a playful and striking way



December 30, 2023


How to Cite

Bravo Garcia, A. D. (2023). Construcción de una propuesta pedagógica para potenciar el pensamiento lógico matemático a través del futbol. Corporación Universitaria Iberoamericana - Repositorio de Trabajos de Grado. Retrieved from