Training for the educational community of the I.E.D Silveria Espinosa de Rendón about the offer of hospital classrooms.


Karol Dayibe García Molina
Facultad de Educación
Valentina Siza Orozco
Facultad de Educación
Jessica Valentina Cabrera Rivera
Facultad de Educación


Aulas Hospitalarias, Capacitación, Licenciatura en Educación Especial, Inclusión


According to Soto Ana María (2007) the hospital classrooms are presented when the classes are taken to the hospital, allowing those children and young people with high-risk diseases and those with complex disabilities who are admitted to medical institutions and there can continue with their studies and have a space for recreation. Likewise, the research project is considered pertinent based on what was indicated by the Ministry of Education, (2003) dictating that "Hospital classrooms aim to avoid marginalization of the educational system and a school delay, guaranteeing the continuity of studies and if possible a reincorporation to the school of origin, looking for these classrooms to be both a learning space and a help space to better cope with the disease ”. After generating an analysis and conceptualization of what has already been stated, the authors intend from inclusive practices to build a guide that contributes to the hospital educational offer of the Silveria Espinosa de Rendón Educational Institution.


In addition, that hospital pedagogy provides various benefits for people who have been admitted to a hospital and therefore cannot attend traditional classrooms within official institutions, for this reason, it is intended to make the educational community aware of those schemes for the administrative execution and academic support that hospital classrooms have and also expose the implementation routes that the education secretaries regulate within Decree 1470 of 2015 (today within Decree 1075/2015). Based on the above, it is estimated that the special care of hospital classrooms improves people's quality of life, since the use of these classrooms guarantees the well-being of children, young people, and adolescents, promoting the fundamental right to equality, since the Education must be for all in equal conditions based on the guidelines of the MEN who points out the protection of the right to education of all Colombians in any condition, for this reason it aspires to provide the necessary academic support to all students with any type of illness or disability that prevents them from attending the educational establishment for long periods of time. Within the importance of hospital classrooms, it seeks to care for and ensure equity in educational matters, allowing everyone to access quality education, favoring their daily processes.


The project will be developed through a qualitative paradigm, since this allows delving into information in a systemic way. Likewise, this paradigm helps to explore the necessary aspects to arrive at the sought answers. It is conjectured that the research design will have a field of action - participation. Where, through field diaries, these experiences can be brought to our point of analysis, likewise, reach solutions enriching this research. It is expected with this research to obtain results and useful methodological products for training near hospital classrooms at the IED Silveria Espinosa de Rendón headquarters c, it must fulfill the function of an investigative guide that contributes to other people being interested and wanting to appropriate about the topic.



December 30, 2023


How to Cite

García Molina, K. D., Siza Orozco, V., & Cabrera Rivera, J. V. (2023). Training for the educational community of the I.E.D Silveria Espinosa de Rendón about the offer of hospital classrooms. Corporación Universitaria Iberoamericana - Repositorio de Trabajos de Grado. Retrieved from