Percepción de las estrategias pedagógicas, en el proceso educativo de la población migrante venezolana


Magda Andrea Benitez Cardenas
Maria Dominga Arismendy Rocha
Manuel Alejandro Torres Ángel
Daisy Oliva Pinzon Castro


Migration, childhood , adolescence , pedagogy , education gap .


purpose of this research is to have a reference of perception regarding the pedagogical strategies that are implemented in the educational processes of the Venezuelan migrant population, aimed at girls, boys, and adolescents is framed in qualitative research, having as a population the second grade of the primary school of a district school in the city of Bogotá, being the teachers who teach classes in this grade, who do the pedagogical practice.



To collect information, a survey with closed and open questions was applied to teachers, where it was observed that most of the participants do not know the pedagogical strategies outlined by the Ministry of Education and resorted to their own knowledge, only one of them knows the guidelines that are focused on equal conditions in the teaching-learning process.



The main conclusion is the lack of knowledge of the educational guidelines to mitigate the educational gap in the Venezuelan migrant population and the search for effective strategies for their knowledge and application is proposed.



July 13, 2023

How to Cite

Benitez Cardenas, M. A., & Arismendy Rocha, M. D. (2023). Percepción de las estrategias pedagógicas, en el proceso educativo de la población migrante venezolana. Corporación Universitaria Iberoamericana - Repositorio de Trabajos de Grado. Retrieved from