school dropout: school dropout


Conny Dayana Mafla Soto
Yenny Andrea Marroquin
Daniel Mora Grimaldo


Desertion, development, population, bullying, conflict, economic instability, education.


This school problem does not have a specific cause, nor is it unique, but is promoted by various factors that have to be studied and evaluated, depending on the contexts, said influential factors may be caused by drug addiction, since according to the results of the National Survey of Drug Consumption in Students (ENCODE) show that at the national level, 17.2% of high school and middle school youth have used drugs at some time in their lives. (mental health, August 2016). Dysfunctional families are also found as a desertion factor, since a broken family has consequences for relationships inside and outside the family environment. The economic instability of families can be taken as a desertion factor, which is why they go from one place to another in search of opportunities; which means that many children from these fluctuating families do not finish their studies. Another factor of school dropout is the beginning of their sexual life at a very early age, since young men and women abandon their studies to establish a home, also to attend a pregnancy among other situations that entails starting a sexual life at a very early age. (Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare, September 18, 2015). All these and more not so notorious factors are the cause of a lot of dropouts that currently worry Colombian education, so it can be predicted that it is very likely that this phenomenon remains latent in many educational institutions in the country. In this investigation you can find less relevant factors that can be given a treatment based on this investigation.



July 13, 2023


How to Cite

Mafla Soto, C. D., & Marroquin, Y. A. (2023). school dropout: school dropout. Corporación Universitaria Iberoamericana - Repositorio de Trabajos de Grado. Retrieved from