La escuela como eje articulador para la prevención de embarazos tempranos en adolescentes entre los 12 y 14 años, en una institución educativa en Santa Marta – Magdalena: Embarazos adolescentes


Eduardo Jose Gutierrez Romo
Yudi Eliana López Piedrahita
Yanira Vivas Rivera
Ronald Javier Salamanca Ramos


Teenage pregnancy is a very topical issue, worldwide and in our country Colombia, and of course in Santa Marta - Magdalena, due to its implications and risks that these generate, however, the problem of this research is the lack of knowledge. of the incidence of orientation in sexual education in pregnancies of adolescents of 12 and 14 years of age, in an educational institution located in the city in question. It is vitally important to understand the incidence of sexual education in adolescents of 12 and 14 years. What allows, through a study from the qualitative approach, according to Collado and Baptista (s, f.), can be conceived as a set of interpretative practices that make the world "visible" transform it and convert it into a series of representations in the form of observations, annotations, recordings and documents. According to the research, the results are obtained through the elaboration and construction of open coding, which facilitated easy access to the collected data and its respective analysis, where the adolescents expressed ignorance of sexual education and little support from families. and school, and that are often ignored.


  • The prevention of pregnancies in adolescents between the ages of 12 and 14, through the training of sexual education in an educational institution in Santa Marta - Magdalena
    teen pregnancies
    Eduardo Jose Gutierrez Romo



May 20, 2022


How to Cite

Gutierrez Romo, E. J. ., López Piedrahita, Y. E. . ., & Vivas Rivera , Y. (2022). La escuela como eje articulador para la prevención de embarazos tempranos en adolescentes entre los 12 y 14 años, en una institución educativa en Santa Marta – Magdalena: Embarazos adolescentes . Corporación Universitaria Iberoamericana - Repositorio de Trabajos de Grado. Retrieved from