Strengthenning of emotional intelligence through the artistic and emotional expresión of boys and girls from 4 to 5 years old


Diana Johana Forero Mendoza; María Camila Díaz; Ivone Johanna Moreno Bernal; Manuel Alejandro Torres Ángel; Daisy Oliva Pinzon Castro


Educación Artística, Educación Emocional, Teatro playback, Competencias Emocionales, Didáctica, Inteligencia Emocional


Arts education and emotional education are fundamental part of the integral formation of children; they offer great potential for individual and social welfare. Playback theater as well as being an important form of artistic expression allows students to manifest their way of perceiving the world through the narration and interpretation of their own stories and those of their peers. Emotional education enables the development of emotional intelligence through the strengthening of emotional competencies. The project has developed a theoretical research that seeks to justify the importance of emotional education and playback theater in schools , for which a didactic tool was designed , in which the two issues are integrated strengthening the emotional skills of students in the course garden.


July 13, 2023

How to Cite

Forero Mendoza, D. J., Díaz, M. C. ., & Moreno Bernal, I. J. (2023). Strengthenning of emotional intelligence through the artistic and emotional expresión of boys and girls from 4 to 5 years old . Corporación Universitaria Iberoamericana - Repositorio de Trabajos de Grado. Retrieved from