
Nohora Milena Perdomo Carvajal
Jennifer Araceli Hurtado Rivas
Leidy Marisol Portocarrero Herman
Ronald Javier Salamanca Ramos


child, childhood, communication, family, skills, learning, interaction, values, social


This research project focuses on social interaction skills, which are exceptional transcendental profiles and characteristics of positive social behaviors that favor the adaptation and acceptance of the other. Thus, social interaction skills reflect the integral formation of the individual where the intervention was carried out with children from 1 year to 4 years of age in a child development center (CDI) in Tumaco Nariño. This research aims to investigate, apply and analyze the data collected on the relationship between social interaction skills in children from 1 to 4 years of age in the Tumaco-Nariño Child Development Center (CDI). The population studied in this research project is children institutionalized with different dynamics of life, whose various situations and contexts help their development to face the resolution of problems unsuitable by age. Because of various situations, whether separated from their family, because they are part of a dysfunctional family or because they have patterns of wrong behavior.

As for the analysis of the results, it begins with a microanalysis that determines the relationship between the concepts of data collection techniques used in the study, in this case direct observation, focus group and semi-structured interviews, followed by open coding, process make a more leisurely and detailed reading, where terms, their characteristics, similarities grouped into categories and subcategories are identified, compared and considered, , which are organized in tables that connect data in an organized and easy-to-understand way. For axial coding, he established the relationship between admitted categories and subcategories, to present more precise and complete explanations about phenomena. With the ecological theory of Uriel Bronfenbrenner, explains how social groups influence the development of children and adolescents in a decisive way that are reflected in the systems that are part of development and their learning, their spaces and systems according to their theory. Subsequently, an analysis of the experience is demonstrated that provides a summary of the analyzed data and inputs for the formulation of the conclusions found in the research.



July 13, 2023


How to Cite

Perdomo Carvajal, N. M., Hurtado Rivas, J. A., & Portocarrero Herman, L. M. . (2023). UNDERSTANDING SOCIAL INTERACTION SKILLS IN 1-4 YEAR OLDS IN A CDI OF TUMACO NARIÑO. Corporación Universitaria Iberoamericana - Repositorio de Trabajos de Grado. Retrieved from https://publicaciones.ibero.edu.co/index.php/t-grad/catalog/book/3129