Aumento de la deseción escolar de los adolescentes.


Anders Javier Castañeda Méndez
Sebastián Felipe Idárraga Valencia
Luisa Fernanda Matoma Tapiero
José Antonio Camargo Barrero


Deserción escolar, adolescencia, contexto familiar, educación rural, estudiante trabajador


One of the problems in the school context that currently generates greater concern is the high dropout rate among adolescents, a decision that can be a consequence of different factors, where the family can be of great influence. Therefore, in this research it was considered significant to identify the influence that families have on adolescents in the ninth, tenth and eleventh grades, in a school in the municipality of San Vicente del Caguán, department of Caquetá, regarding the possibility of finishing high school or dropping out. A qualitative phenomenological study was implemented and a semi-structured interview was used as a tool for the collection of information, which was applied to a sample of 40 people considering active students, parents and dropouts. According to the results obtained, a significant relationship was identified between family habits and school dropout, since adolescents are involved in the family's productive activities from an early age. The family exerts great influence on the adolescent and the customs carried out within the family context may have a direct relationship with school dropout; however, at this stage they are in the process of developing their identity, so external factors also have an impact. Dropping out of school in rural areas is a consequence of various problems to which students are exposed.



July 12, 2023

How to Cite

Castañeda Méndez, A. J., Idárraga Valencia, S. F., & Matoma Tapiero, L. F. (2023). Aumento de la deseción escolar de los adolescentes. Corporación Universitaria Iberoamericana - Repositorio de Trabajos de Grado. Retrieved from