
Erica Andrea Velasquez Anacona
Luz Dayan Rivera Coronado


Palabras clave: Sexualidad, embarazo adolescente, derechos sexuales y reproductivos, maternidad, responsabilidad, apoyo profesional, familia.



This research is carried out with the purpose of characterizing the factors that influence pregnancies in adolescents between 14 and 16 years of age in an institution in Florencia-Caquetá to use the knowledge on the subject through a perspective of human development from Max Neef (1984). Likewise, the research is oriented to identify through theoretical and conceptual referents what has been consolidated in the literature regarding adolescent pregnancies, establishing categories of analysis to respond to the research topic. In addition to this, an analysis of the experiences of adolescent pregnancies is carried out, in order to respond to the objective of the investigation.

At a methodological level, based on a quantitative descriptive model, categories and subcategories related to adolescent pregnancy are established based on the analysis of perceptions, causes, risks and associated problems. A look is raised on the development of adolescents from 14 to 16 years old at an emotional, social and educational level, likewise, the human scale development is taken as a theoretical basis from the understanding of existential needs focused on being, having, being and do. All this taking into account the context and socioeconomic conditions of adolescents in relation to the research topic.

Regarding the analysis, a collection and reflection of the data obtained is made regarding the perception of adolescent pregnancy with the highest incidence of rejection in the face of the demands and responsibilities that this entails. Ideas and emotions associated with adolescent pregnancy were analyzed, finding that 75% of the population associates it with the fear of facing new experiences.

Regarding the causes of adolescent pregnancy, the greatest influence has to do with the initiation of sexual relations at an early age. Faced with the risks and problems, 75% of the population affirms that adolescent pregnancy generates family tensions and emotional problems. Among the consequences, there are difficulties on a personal, emotional and economic level. In the same way, the scarce knowledge and lack of information about contraceptive methods is identified, which affects academic performance and the abandonment of the educational scenario.






This research is carried out with the purpose of characterizing the factors that influence pregnancies in adolescents between 14 and 16 years of age in an institution in Florencia-Caquetá to use the knowledge on the subject through a perspective of human development from Max Neef (1984). Likewise, the research is oriented to identify through theoretical and conceptual referents what has been consolidated in the literature regarding adolescent pregnancies, establishing categories of analysis to respond to the research topic. In addition to this, an analysis of the experiences of adolescent pregnancies is carried out, in order to respond to the objective of the investigation.

At a methodological level, based on a quantitative descriptive model, categories and subcategories related to adolescent pregnancy are established based on the analysis of perceptions, causes, risks and associated problems. A look is raised on the development of adolescents from 14 to 16 years old at an emotional, social and educational level, likewise, the human scale development is taken as a theoretical basis from the understanding of existential needs focused on being, having, being and do. All this taking into account the context and socioeconomic conditions of adolescents in relation to the research topic.

Regarding the analysis, a collection and reflection of the data obtained is made regarding the perception of adolescent pregnancy with the highest incidence of rejection in the face of the demands and responsibilities that this entails. Ideas and emotions associated with adolescent pregnancy were analyzed, finding that 75% of the population associates it with the fear of facing new experiences.

Regarding the causes of adolescent pregnancy, the greatest influence has to do with the initiation of sexual relations at an early age. Faced with the risks and problems, 75% of the population affirms that adolescent pregnancy generates family tensions and emotional problems. Among the consequences, there are difficulties on a personal, emotional and economic level. In the same way, the scarce knowledge and lack of information about contraceptive methods is identified, which affects academic performance and the abandonment of the educational scenario.












June 28, 2023


How to Cite

Velasquez Anacona, E. A. (2023). CHARACTERIZATION OF PREGNANCIES IN ADOLESCENTS BETWEEN 14 AND 16 YEARS IN FLORENCIA CAQUETA: CHARACTERIZATION OF PREGNANCIES IN ADOLESCENTS BETWEEN 14 AND 16 YEARS. Corporación Universitaria Iberoamericana - Repositorio de Trabajos de Grado. Retrieved from