Comportamientos de la Chagra Tradicional en Adolescentes de 14 a 17 años en la Vereda La Menta del Municipio de San Francisco Departamento del Putumayo: Adolescentes y comportamientos en la pérdida de la chagra tradicional


Lupe Ceneida Cerón Agreda
Ivan Andrés Dejoy Cerón
Martha Cecilia Mora Perez


Chagra / Tradición / Pérdida / Comportamientos, Chagra


The chagra is a tradition that has been instilled from generation to generation; that with the different changes in the world: modernity, technology and the insertion of other cultures has disrupted this tradition, distancing adolescents from this process. Situation that leads in this research to the general objective: to understand the behaviors of the loss of the traditional chagra in adolescents from 14 to 17 years of age, from the Vereda La Menta, Municipality of San Francisco - Department of Putumayo.


Proposal that was developed with the qualitative method and with a type of ethnographic study, with a population sample of 20 adolescents between the ages of 14 and 17 from the village of La Menta in the Municipality of San Francisco. Process in which the different behaviors of adolescents are collected, highlighting the lack of interest in the traditional chagra from different activities that over time have been generated in families; however, the importance still held in their thoughts is recognized, which is why it is necessary to continue implementing strategies that involve the entire community to strengthen the tradition of the traditional chagra.



June 27, 2023


How to Cite

Cerón Agreda, L. C., & Dejoy Cerón, I. A. (2023). Comportamientos de la Chagra Tradicional en Adolescentes de 14 a 17 años en la Vereda La Menta del Municipio de San Francisco Departamento del Putumayo: Adolescentes y comportamientos en la pérdida de la chagra tradicional. Corporación Universitaria Iberoamericana - Repositorio de Trabajos de Grado. Retrieved from