Comprendiendo las experiencias de adaptación de niños y niñas venezolanos entre 5 a 7 años que se encuentran en una institución de ICBF en la ciudad de Cali.


Diana Cecilia Ochoa Olarte
Yuly Sujei Paredes Pabón
Angela Carolina Grismaldo
Irma Yoen Huertas Ramirez


adaptation, attachment, changes, qualitative approach, experiences, identity, migration.


The general objective of the research is to understand the adaptation experiences of Venezuelan boys and girls between 5 and 7 years old who are in an ICBF institution in the city of Cali. The study was carried out through a qualitative approach and is framed in an interpretive paradigm, in order to understand what children, feel and think about being in this institution. As far as Venezuelan children and adolescents are concerned, 20 minors are currently beneficiaries. It is evident that the vast majority of this population served presents difficulties at the behavioral level framed in the low adaptive capacity they possess and this directly affects their responses at the behavioral level, tolerance of difference. In their adaptation process, boys and girls constantly inquire about their relatives, expressing their desire not to be separated from their attachment figures, this causes concern because they have had to face significant changes since their migration to the city of Cali. What these children also express is their concern at not having the basic resources to live, as they point out: "Not having a place to sleep, not even to eat, sometimes it scared me." In the interviews that were applied to the Venezuelan boys and girls in a Protection Institution of the city of Cali, the result was the understanding that the minors have of the causes of the transfer from their country of origin despite their stage of development and the fact of being in a context of socialization that is different from the usual one, which is why they internalize new experiences and learning, leaving behind others that at the time had a high significance in the process of building their identity.



June 27, 2023

How to Cite

Ochoa Olarte, D. C., Paredes Pabón , Y. S. ., & Grismaldo, A. C. . (2023). Comprendiendo las experiencias de adaptación de niños y niñas venezolanos entre 5 a 7 años que se encuentran en una institución de ICBF en la ciudad de Cali. Corporación Universitaria Iberoamericana - Repositorio de Trabajos de Grado. Retrieved from