Comprensión de las experiencias a nivel de resolución de conflictos de niños y niñas entre 9 y 10 años pertenecientes a una institución educativa de Arauca-Arauca.


Maria del Carmen Torres Peroza
Carolina Rios Jacome
Yessica Rodriguez Baños
Gildardo Cortez Gonzalez




Within the framework of this research project within the competences of the educational system and school environment, conflicts constitute one of the most important concerns of teachers, managers, academic counselors and parents. As part of the training processes, within social skills, respect and maintenance of healthy living environments, constitute an important pillar for academic training processes.

In relevant aspects throughout the research section, the field of aspects related to issues of conflict resolution, management control, as well as the factors that determine the appearance of conflict situations are highlighted and delimited, which implies recognize the multiple possibilities of affective, physical, social and cognitive development, understand the relationship that exists to weave emotions, affections and values, and how they can advance in the way of thinking and social interaction, these approaches with appreciations in partial answers They need the careful reflection of all the people who have the responsibility in the process of educating and training.

Therefore, to the extent that we are able to identify what are the shortcomings that our boys and girls present, we will be able to understand the experiences that they live in the interaction with themselves and with others, according to the particularities developed within their homes and complemented with the interaction in the different contexts where they relate to and experience the acceptance or rejection of the people around them, depending on the level of development of their social skills.

That is why, in order to have a broad knowledge in the development of the research, we have considered as a general objective, Understand the experiences in the resolution of conflicts of boys and girls from 9 to 10 years of an educational institution of Arauca-Arauca


June 28, 2023

How to Cite

Torres Peroza, M. del C., Rios Jacome, C., & Rodriguez Baños, Y. (2023). Comprensión de las experiencias a nivel de resolución de conflictos de niños y niñas entre 9 y 10 años pertenecientes a una institución educativa de Arauca-Arauca. Corporación Universitaria Iberoamericana - Repositorio de Trabajos de Grado. Retrieved from