Identificación de los síntomas relacionados a las patologías osteomusculares durante el trabajo remoto de los maestros de la institución educativa José Celestino Mutis, Sede Fusacatan
Teachers have always been seen as those people who carry out their working lives
inside school classrooms; In March 2020 the COVID 19 pandemic,
became part of the life of Colombians and caused many behaviors and
activities could no longer be carried out in the usual spaces, now everything would be done
from home; One of the new concepts during this contingency has been the
teleworking, defined as an activity outside the organization's facilities, in
where there will not be a specific work site and its main tools will be the
ICTs (Peña and Pérez, 2018. P3); this new work modality has taken by surprise
all, that is why many workers do not have the necessary adjustments
so that the workplace is ergonomically appropriate; considering this
it is possible to answer the reason for the appearance of some diagnoses
osteomuscular in some workers, in addition to this it should be taken into account that
working hours have now increased generating a high mental load and
emotional, which in turn lead to health problems. It is said that these disorders
constitute the most frequent pathology among the workers who carry out their
activities through teleworking altering their performance and productivity; because
that these injuries are related to the musculoskeletal system that generate
physical and functional alteration of different structures, generating different symptoms
such as minor pain, loss of muscle strength, even functional limitations of
different segments (Garcia and Sánchez, 2020.) From physiotherapy, management is given to
some of these pathologies through flexibility, “which allows maintaining
wide tours of the body segments, which translates into better results
labor since they allow the realization of fast movements that take to the
muscle elongation limit” (Arrieta, 2006).
January 21, 2023
Copyright (c) 2023 Corporación Universitaria Iberoamericana
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How to Cite
Guerrero Bahamon, Z., & Morales Garcia, M. F. (2023). Identificación de los síntomas relacionados a las patologías osteomusculares durante el trabajo remoto de los maestros de la institución educativa José Celestino Mutis, Sede Fusacatan. Corporación Universitaria Iberoamericana - Repositorio de Trabajos de Grado. Retrieved from