Si quieres enseñar un buen ejemplo puedes dar: Dejar una huella de amor y no de terror


Erika Yaneth Peñuela Castellanos
Marina del Pilar Tique Malambo
Facultad de Educación
Yesica Liseth Peña Ballen
Facultad de Educación


Maltrato, infantil


This research is carried out in order to know the possible causes that can occur within the family nucleus and having as relevance the educational institution, it can be observed that children from 3 to 4 years old present aggressive behaviors that apparently are due to the bad guys. behaviors that they observe from parents or caregivers, it has been possible to observe that through playful pedagogical strategies children speak through their gestures or dialogues they have with their partners telling how adults behave in front of them, it is essential that they encourage communication and a good dialogue so that the child learns to control his emotions and can be an example for others so that his change is noticed by parents and can serve as support to mitigate child abuse. With this, to be able to implement strategies that help mitigate abuse, but above all that adults become aware that a child does not really learn from blows, not forgetting that a blow can not only be physical, but also psychological and that they identify that if they want change in a generation the example must come from home, because it cannot be demanded without being an example, let us educate with love and respect, but above all with an example.



December 30, 2023

How to Cite

Peñuela Castellanos, E. Y., Tique Malambo, M. del P., & Peña Ballen, Y. L. (2023). Si quieres enseñar un buen ejemplo puedes dar: Dejar una huella de amor y no de terror. Corporación Universitaria Iberoamericana - Repositorio de Trabajos de Grado. Retrieved from