La Escritura una visión a la argumentación


Andrea Melisa Quina Andela
Yesica Yulieth Yoja Pardo
Bibian Andrea Lopéz Segura
Maestra asesora


Argumentación, Arte, Escritura, Literatura, Música


El  proyecto “la escritura- una visión a la argumentación”  tiende a fortalecer la dimensión argumentativa en el grado cuarto de la institución educativa Gaitana Fxiw sede Taravira. De acuerdo a la necesidad encontrada, y partiendo de los intereses de los estudiantes se busca despertar la capacidad de expresar ideas, opiniones, favorecer el pensamiento y fortalecer habilidades, de modo tal que permita tener fundamentos y bases  sobre las categorías gramaticales a través de una argumentación objetiva y con diversidad léxica sostenida.

Author Biographies

Andrea Melisa Quina Andela, Estudiante

The project "writing-a vision of argumentation" tends to strengthen the argumentative dimension in the fourth grade of the Gaitana Fxiw educational institution, Taravira campus. According to the need found and based on the interests of the students, the aim is to awaken the ability to express ideas, opinions, promote thinking and strengthen skills, in such a way that it allows having foundations and bases on grammatical categories through argumentation. objective and with sustained lexical diversity.

Argumentation is an innate ability of the human being, which develops as the spaces are provided to strengthen it, this is how the project proposes some tools according to the need, these are: art, music and literature as central axes , so that students can generate critical thinking in various situations.


For this reason, the tools that are proposed in the progress of the project are in accordance with the interests of the student and aiming at that type of self-education, while allowing it to be strengthened in different school, family and community settings. Thus, the main axes of the project, such as art, is a bet so that the student can develop her abilities and skills, using material that nature provides; In the same way, music because it generates joy, causes emotions and in turn invites reflection, to know who we are, where we come from and what we want as native peoples of Colombia; music allows us to find feelings, it is sung to the spirits who care for the territory, it revitalizes culture, children generally find in music the message they want to give, encouraging argumentation and the construction of knowledge. On the other hand, literature is a fundamental axis because the stories of the experiences that the students will have will focus on it, which will lead to a group analysis, allowing a questioning among peers of the topics to be dealt with that are related. with culture, beliefs, cosmology, rituality, spirituality, territory, among other topics of interest experienced by students.

Yesica Yulieth Yoja Pardo, Estudiante

The project "writing-a vision of argumentation" tends to strengthen the argumentative dimension in the fourth grade of the Gaitana Fxiw educational institution, Taravira campus. According to the need found and based on the interests of the students, the aim is to awaken the ability to express ideas, opinions, promote thinking and strengthen skills, in such a way that it allows having foundations and bases on grammatical categories through argumentation. objective and with sustained lexical diversity.

Argumentation is an innate ability of the human being, which develops as the spaces are provided to strengthen it, this is how the project proposes some tools according to the need, these are: art, music and literature as central axes , so that students can generate critical thinking in various situations.


For this reason, the tools that are proposed in the progress of the project are in accordance with the interests of the student and aiming at that type of self-education, while allowing it to be strengthened in different school, family and community settings. Thus, the main axes of the project, such as art, is a bet so that the student can develop her abilities and skills, using material that nature provides; In the same way, music because it generates joy, causes emotions and in turn invites reflection, to know who we are, where we come from and what we want as native peoples of Colombia; music allows us to find feelings, it is sung to the spirits who care for the territory, it revitalizes culture, children generally find in music the message they want to give, encouraging argumentation and the construction of knowledge. On the other hand, literature is a fundamental axis because the stories of the experiences that the students will have will focus on it, which will lead to a group analysis, allowing a questioning among peers of the topics to be dealt with that are related. with culture, beliefs, cosmology, rituality, spirituality, territory, among other topics of interest experienced by students.

Bibian Andrea Lopéz Segura, Maestra asesora

Advisor: Bibian Andrea López Segura. Professional, Master in Management of Educational Technology from the University of Santander and Bachelor of Basic Education with an Emphasis in Humanities and Spanish Language from the Santo Tomás University. She possesses theoretical, pedagogical and methodological knowledge in the teaching-learning process, which enhances the training in basic skills and competencies for "know-how" in the academic context.



October 1, 2022

How to Cite

VARGAS CUETOCHAMBO, D. N., Quina Andela, A. M. ., & Yoja Pardo, Y. Y. (2022). La Escritura una visión a la argumentación. Corporación Universitaria Iberoamericana - Repositorio de Trabajos de Grado. Retrieved from