El rol del educador especial en la primera infancia apoyando la eliminación de barreras comunicativas en estudiantes con trastornos generalizados del desarrollo.


July Maritza Veloza Arguello (ed)


Trastorno generalizado del desarrollo, Educación especial, Docente de aula, Rol, Barreras comunicativas


The importance of the role of the special educator as pedagogical support for early childhood classroom teachers when intervening with students with pervasive developmental disorder (PDD) in early childhood is presented, highlighting the work that this professional does when proposing pedagogical strategies that respond to the required needs of students with these characteristics.
It has been found that in some initial education classrooms early attention is given to children with these particularities and that is why it is sought to intervene pedagogically in early childhood students in the company of the educational community and their families, so that achieve assertive communication and can be understood when they want to express their desires and needs, favoring their learning process and the interrelation with their peers.


August 1, 2022


How to Cite

Garzon, K. Y., & Veloza Arguello, J. M. . (2022). El rol del educador especial en la primera infancia apoyando la eliminación de barreras comunicativas en estudiantes con trastornos generalizados del desarrollo. Corporación Universitaria Iberoamericana - Repositorio de Trabajos de Grado. Retrieved from https://publicaciones.ibero.edu.co/index.php/t-grad/catalog/book/1743