Propuesta para el rediseño ergonómico del puesto de trabajo envasado de crema de leche del área de producción de una empresa agroindustrial del sector lechero con sede Funza -Cundinamarca


juan carlos hernandez barrera
Especialización en Gerencia en Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo
Danna Cristina Aristizabal Ospina
Yuris Marina Rodríguez Granado


Riesgo ergonomico, identificación de peligros, ausentismo, puesto de trabajo


In the Colanta - dairy Cooperative, there is a production process where the packaging of milk cream is carried out, it has 30 workers who work in three 8-hour shifts who are exposed to ergonomic risk factors in the workplace, for prolonged periods of time. The foregoing has led to absenteeism due to osteomuscular origin, where in the last 3 years, 111 days of absenteeism have been presented, where 52% corresponds to diagnoses associated with lumbar spine pathologies, 37% corresponds to associated diagnoses to shoulder pathologies and 11% correspond to elbow pathologies”. So, within the risk factors, non-specific pain in the lumbar spine, shoulder and elbow, The above pathologies are associated with the ergonomic risk factor, which in GTC 45 guides for the identification of hazards and risk assessment in occupational health and safety. They are classified in Annex A as biomechanical risk factors, due to prolonged standing posture, repetitive movement and manipulation. So, within the non-specific risk factors for low back pain in the lumbar spine, shoulder and elbow, biomechanics are found, which, according to the GTC45, for the identification of hazards and the assessment of occupational health and safety risks They include: posture, effort, repetitive movement and manual handling of loads. Therefore, it is necessary to generate a proposal for the redesign of the milk cream packaging job, in order to improve the health conditions of the workers in the area and absenteeism, for which it is necessary to ask the following question: How to redesign the milk cream packaging job in the production area of ​​an agribusiness company in the dairy sector based in Funza Cundinamarca?



September 1, 2022

How to Cite

hernandez barrera, juan carlos, & Aristizabal Ospina, D. C. (2022). Propuesta para el rediseño ergonómico del puesto de trabajo envasado de crema de leche del área de producción de una empresa agroindustrial del sector lechero con sede Funza -Cundinamarca. Corporación Universitaria Iberoamericana - Repositorio de Trabajos de Grado. Retrieved from