Labor barriers, a new perspective for labor inclusion in Bogotá-Colombia.


Yuliana Arevalo Molina
Educación, licenciatura en educación especial, presencial


Inclusión, Laboral, Barreras, Bogotá


Due to the problem of labor inclusion for the population with disabilities that has been seen to be vulnerable when starting their work processes, for graduates of technical, technological and professional programs at the Bogotá level, this research proposes to identify the different barriers and facilitators found in work contexts thus having inputs such as interviews with graduates, workplaces and employers thus giving our research different axes or different opinions of the same context. We handle a qualitative approach since we describe actions, opinions and situations presented by each person or each context to be interviewed; The inputs or instruments to be used for data collection will be semi-structural interviews, a focus group and a characterization matrix. To complete this process of identification and analysis, a triangulation of the 3 investigated scenarios and the information collected in the interviews with the different graduates will be carried out, relying on an analysis matrix of the information provided on the inputs used, thus reaching this Research can serve as a guide or support material for future researchers and teachers in training.


August 1, 2022

How to Cite

Arevalo Molina, Y. (2022). Labor barriers, a new perspective for labor inclusion in Bogotá-Colombia. Corporación Universitaria Iberoamericana - Repositorio de Trabajos de Grado. Retrieved from