Perception of Humanization in a Group of Health Auditors


Julieth Cuellar


This research project focuses on exploring the perception of humanization in the provision of health services by a group of auditors in Colombia. Findings reveal concerns about the lack of human sensitivity in the healthcare system, emphasizing the need to treat patients with respect and empathy. Humanization is understood as dignified treatment during medical care, advocating for comprehensive and warm attention. Key areas for improvement are identified, such as assertive communication, the development of soft skills, and the inclusion of professional ethics in the training of healthcare personnel. Recommendations include comprehensive training programs, promoting active patient participation, adaptations to address the specific needs of rural communities, and the strategic integration of technology. The research highlights the importance of continuously assessing the effectiveness of humanization interventions and proposes institutional incentives to strengthen the culture of patient-centered care.



December 30, 2023



How to Cite

Cuellar, J. (2023). Perception of Humanization in a Group of Health Auditors. 2023 Banco de Proyectos y Programas de Investigación e Innovación 2023. Retrieved from